Sreeram Venkitesh


I like to talk at technical conferences and I've given a couple of talks about devops, Kubernetes and platform engineering. If you want me to speak at your event about any of these topics, you can reach out to me here.


The future of configurability in Kubernetes with Common Expression Language (CEL)

Cloud Native Rejekts EU 2025, London

A talk about how Common Expression Language is redefining how we think about configurability of Kubernetes in its second decade. The talk will go through new Kubernetes features that take advantage of the increasing adoption of CEL and also how we worked on adding CEL support to a well loved area of CRDs.


A Field Guide To Integrating CEL in the Kubernetes Codebase

Kubernetes Maintainer Summit, KubeCon EU 2025, London

A talk about KEP 4595: CEL for CRD additionalPrinterColumns, which goes through the story of how we added CEL support to CRDs and everything we learnt in the process. I'm giving this talk with Priyanka Saggu and we're planning to talk about everything we learnt over the past six months working on our KEP. This is also meant to be a guide to everyone who wants to add CEL to Kubernetes.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to Testing Kubernetes

Kubernetes Maintainer Summit, KubeCon India 2024, Delhi

Everything you'd ever need to know about running tests in the Kubernetes code base. This talk was something that I wanted for myself when I started contributing to Kubernetes and had to figure out how to run all the different types of tests and how to add new test cases.


An Accelerated Introduction to AI Model Deployment with Cloud Native

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon India 2024, Delhi

A tutorial along with Emily on how to build and run AI models with the help of cloud native technology like Kubernetes.


The Two Sides of the Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2024, Hong Kong

Spoke about the work done by the release team and the enhancements subproject of SIG Architecture along with Rayan. My talk at KubeCon!

Climbing the ladders of the Kubernetes contributor community

KuberTENes Birthday Bash, Kerala (June 2024)

Talked about the various ways in which new contributors can get involved in the Kubernetes community at the local KuberTENes event.

Last Week In Kubernetes Development Newsletter

Kubernetes Contributor Summit, KubeCon EU, Paris (Mar 2024)

Gave a mini talk at the Contributor Summit event about the LWKD newsletter.


Understanding Kubernetes internals by running a cluster from scratch

Kubernetes Community Days Kerala (Feb 2024)

This was my first time doing a live demo on stage. It was fun.

How we built neetoDeploy, our PaaS deployment service using Kubernetes on Amazon EKS

AWS Commmunity Day, Kochi (Dec 2023)

The final and upcoming talk for 2023. The organizers had mentioned that there is an empty slot for a talk when I had met them at KubeDay India.

Scaling neetoDeploy from zero to production - Building, maintaining and optimizing our cloud deployment platform

SREConf 2023 (Nov 2023)

SREConf was organized by HasGeek and it was a masterclass on how to organize a technical conference. There were multiple practice sessions leading up to day of the conference. Even on the day of the conference, the organizers and volunteers made sure that everything is executed smoothly and in time. Thanks to their efforts in curating the event, all the talks were really good.

Getting started with contributing to Kubernetes

Cloud Native Day Pune (Oct 2023)

I submitted the CFP for this talk once I was pretty active in the Kubernetes open source ecosystem. The v1.29 release cycle was going on and I was a shadow in the enhancements team. I was able to meet a lot of talented folks who were speaking at the event and had wonderful discussions with them regarding platform engineering and devops.

Adventures in building our own PaaS

DevOpsDays Bengaluru (Oct 2023)

After my experience with DevOpsDays in the previous year, I was really excited for DevOpsDays Bengaluru. I caught up with a bunch of friends and made new ones. This time around too I gave a lightning talk about what we've been building with neetoDeploy over the past year. It was a nice to look back at the talk I had given last year and how much we've come since then.

Building a Heroku alternative on Kubernetes

DevOpsDays India (Oct 2022)

DevOpsDays India was one of the biggest devops conferences I've been to till this point. I was able to meet a lot of folks in this space in person as well. On the second day, I was able to give a lightning talk about how are building neetoDeploy. This was my first time talking on stage at an actual conference.


Introduction to Emulation Development

FOSSASIA Open Tech Summit, 2021

This was the first time I was presenting anything technical at an event. I got to talk about building emulators for retro video game consoles. Huge shoutout to the organizers who accepted my talk even though I didn't have much contributions to open source projects in this space. They specifically mentioned that there's a first time for everything and this is something I think about when talking to my juniors. The conference was conducted online because of the Covid-19 pandemic

Evolution of Media and Content Creation

All Kerala Computer Society Student Congress, IEEE (Decmber 2019)

This was during the time when I was dabbling with media, YouTube and content creation. I was in my third year of college then.

Lightning Talk about my journey with YouTube

MEC.Conf (Oct 2019)

A developer conference conducted by Model Engineering College